• Andrés Terán 1184, Chapultepec Country, Guadalajara, Mexico

About Us

At Marketing Storm Leads, we pride ourselves on being the best in the business. With over 11 years of experience, we've established ourselves as the go-to call center for US contractors looking to meet with interested homeowners in areas affected by natural disasters such as hail storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and fires.

Our commitment to our employees is reflected in the benefits we offer, including full aguinaldo and IMSS/Infonavit, a raise every 6 months, future promotion opportunities, and paycheck increases tied to sales and the areas you call.

So what sets us apart from the rest? For starters, we close more leads per day than any other storm lead call center. Our areas are easier to get leads in, and we call all home values, not just big mansions. We were the first storm lead company in Mexico and we pride ourselves on being the first to call new hot storms. When an area slows down, we move on to easier places to get leads in, ensuring that our team can work hot areas 12 months out of the year.

Our vision is to leverage our expertise and experience to help our team dominate the industry daily. With Marketing Storm Leads, you're not just working for any storm lead call center—you're working for the best.

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Get Expert Assistance

What is Hail Damage? thumb

Hail damage is a common concern for homeowners residing in...

What is Wind Damage? thumb

Wind damage is a significant concern for homeowners, particularly in...

What is Storm Damage? thumb

Storm damage is a common occurrence that can significantly impact...

Adapting to Change: Thriving in a Dynamic Storm Lead Call Center Environment thumb

In the storm lead call center industry, change is a...

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Negotiation skills play a pivotal role in the storm lead...